DRESS-OF-THE-DAY 7: The Dirndl

In celebration of NATIONAL SEWING MONTH (here in the United States), I've decided to do an intensive blog series (well, intensive for me who obviously does not always make the time to blog), featuring a dress (or two, or a style) each day, not previously presented on this blog. Some will be my own creations, whether I used patterns or designed them myself. Others will be pieces I admire. Either will include an analysis and maybe some sources, history and tips. (At least, that's the goal.) I also have some guest bloggers scheduled (exciting!)

And now on to the Dress of the Day!


Another culturally iconic dress that I'm attracted to is the Germanic folkwear Dirndl. It's a two to four piece outfit, consisting of skirt, blouse, vest/bodice, and apron. (sometimes the dress is all one piece). Again, this holds the appeal of women's working clothes that are still feminine in nature. Even Maria in the sound of music is sporting an plain, everyday version of the Dirndl. I'm a huge fan of this style, with its homespun and calicos, and the idyllic country farm life it brings to mind.

Everyday Dirndl
 But the Dirndl can also be dressed-up, done in bright colors, with lace and embroidery accents...

Dirndl dress by HAMMERSCHMID

Penelope Dirndl

 As well as being a favorite for Halloween and OKtoberfest.
 (Since it is the classic costume of the Beer Wench)...

Heidi's Closet
How to...

Combine a full skirt with peasant blouse, fitted (underbust) vest and apron.


Use a pattern! Burda (no big surprise that the German pattern company would have a variety of Dirndl patterns to choose from, in styles from modernized to traditional to children's to Oktoberfest). 

I personally went with this variation (but have yet to have the time to make myself one). I like the retro feel it also has, with the sweetheart neckline/collar variation.

And now that you've successfully navigated this blog entry, here's a reminder about the Steampunk Apron/Bustle Mini-Sweepstakes (details here).


  1. I admire your focus on the clothing that actual women wear, for work and ordinary life. And I admire the depth of your understanding of the construction and fashion of those clothes. You're like my Dream Friend. :-)

  2. Wow incredible post and photos! Looks like you had an amazing time :)

    Mac Jeans

  3. Sexiest dress ever!

  4. I love how versatile and historically rich dirndls are.


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